Chalmers St – Consulting


This month we will continue our discussion on the CI Framework. Once we have Roles and Responsibilities established and we have Team Governance in place to lock in those standard expectations then we can start managing the flow of the process. Let’s first talk about the meaning of the word “flow.” “Being in the zone” […]


Last month I shared the importance of workflow management, the smooth flow of controlled work allowing us to complete a great deal of quality work in a short period of time. So, how do you know? How do you know that your process is smooth and flowing? How do you know that  you are delivering […]


Process improvement is the top of the CI Framework. Performing process improvement continuously is what makes companies adaptable to change, agile to market disruptions, innovative beyond their competitors, and just great to work at. This is exactly why most organizations contact Chalmers St. Consulting. They are looking to improve and want to create a dynamic, […]

The 4 Continuous Improvement Mindsets: Do You Have What It Takes?

The term “mindset” can mean many different things. I appreciate this definition from Psychology Today. “A mindset is a belief that orients the way we handle situations- the way we sort out what is going on and what we should do.” In our work, situations arise everyday that need to be sorted out. The unexpected […]


We all need a push. Sure, there are some things that we do out of enjoyment, but there is a reason why hunger is a painful feeling. Hunting and gathering food are painful activities, not to mention monotonous, without the pain of hunger we may just starve. Given our need for a push it is […]

An In-Depth Guide into Kaizen Events

Kaizen events are gaining popularity as a way to continuously improve processes, products, services, and personal development. What is this methodology about, and how can you put it to work in your organization? What Is Kaizen? Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning “improvement”. It is based on the idea that small changes can make a […]